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STUNT GAMES hosted by Champion Powersports &

The Sic Shop!


Come for fun in the open pit stunt sessions, or test your skills to win prizes (cash and/or custom stunt bike related gifts) and trophies!

Get to meet some of the biggest names in the stunting industry!

Mulitple skill classes and categories for competitions so everyone has a fair chance at competing!

Competitions for all machines; minis, street bikes, harleys etc

Competitions include best trick, stoppie comps, best scrape, drift limbo, 1st to 10 slow races, obstacle courses, last man standing and many more! 


Rider pass ($20) lets you ride in open pit sessions all day long
Comp passes ($50) let you ride in open pit & compete in all competitions, you do NOT need to buy multiple passes for each different competition.

On site camping available, reach out to TimboStunts for details!

Over $5,000 in cash and gift prizes on the line!


Big Indian

Champion Powersports

The Sic Shop

W333 Designs

Rife Moto Works

Whitcomb Home Improvements

Homegrown Industries




10 AM - 1 PM: Registration

1 PM: Competitions start!

End by 10 PM



1st to 10:

Grom, Sport Bike, Supermoto - 2 at a time in a round


All bikes - Most circle wheelies with footbrake only - VTwins straight line

Obstacle Course:

Grom, Sport Bike, Supermoto - Teeter totter, rail jump, wheelie in length to point, land a stoppie

Longest Stoppie:

Grom, Sport Bike, Supermoto - Everyone gets two tries

Target Stoppie:

Grom, Sport Bike, Supermoto - Bracketed, two tries, eliminated if miss both times


Slow Wheelie Race:

Grom, Sport Bike, Supermoto - Be the last to cross the finish line


Sic-est Trick / Combo:

All bikes - Two minutes to complete the coolest trick - VTwins straight line

Best Drift Set:

All Bikes - Two minutes to put on the best drift show


Drift Limbo:

All Bikes - Start at a high bar, everyone goes one at a time, hit the bar and you're out


Longest Scrape, fully sponsored by Homegrown Industries:

All bikes - Pretty self explanatory

Last Man Standing:

Grom, Sport Bike, Supermoto - Circle wheelie

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